Selected Performance

"Rgveda, Opening Hymn" (The Four Vedas; Folkways FE 4126, I:A:1). An example of Samhitapātha ("continuous recitation") with accents marked by pitch change using three pitches.

aum. agním iile puróhitam yajñásya
devám rtvíjam hótāram
aum. I invoke Agni as the domestic priest,
god of the sacrifice, ministrant, invoker,
best bestower of treasure.
agníh puurvebhir rsibhir
iidio nuutanair utá sá devām éhá vaksati
Agni to be invoked by past and present seers,
may he conduct the gods here.
agnínā rayím asnavat pósam éva divé-dive
yasásam virávattamam.
Through Agni, may the sacrificer obtain wealth day by day, success, glory and abundance in heroes.
ágne yám yajñám adhvarám visvátah paribhuur ási sá íd devésu gacchati. O Agni, the sacrifice and rite that thou encompass on every side, that only goes to the gods.
agnír hótaa kavíkratuh satyás citrásravastamah devó devébhir aa gamat. May Agni, the true invoker with poet's power, of most brilliant fame, the god come with the gods.
yád angá daasúse tvám ágne bhadrám karisyási távét tát satyám angirah. When thou wilt do good for the worshipper, o Agni, the merit comes to thee, o Angiras.
úpa tvaagne divé-dive dósaavastar dhiya vayám námo bháranta ámasi. To thee, o Agni, day by day, o illuminer of nights, with vision we come bringing homage.
raa-jantam adhvaraanaam gopaam rtásya diidivim várdhamaanam své dáme. To thee ruling over rites, shining guardian of the order, growing in thine own house.
sá nah pitéva suunáve ágne suupuuyanó bhava sácasvaa nah svastáye. Thus, o Agni, be of easy access to us, as a father to his son; abide with us for our welfare.



Vkrit Recitation

26 January, 2011